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Learn About Your Vehicle's Radiator

Learn About Your Vehicle's Radiator

Your radiator is a critical part of your vehicle. Its primary role is to remove the heat from the engine to prevent overheating. The radiator is a commonly misunderstood component of your vehicle. There are many questions you could have regarding your radiator and radiator repair. This blog aims to answer those questions! However, it should be noted that if your vehicle is overheating, you should stop driving it immediately, or you risk blowing up the engine. If you’re experiencing symptoms that your radiator is damaged, then your vehicle is in danger; call an auto repair shop as soon as possible.

What is the radiator?

The radiator is one of the most crucial parts of the engine cooling system. This is because your vehicle is burning fuel to power your vehicle. This heat will build up over time and do a lot of damage to the engine if the heat is not removed. Besides the radiator, there are many components to the engine cooling system, like the exhaust system, which allows the heat to escape. However, the radiator is the most crucial component because it actively controls the engine’s high temperature. It achieves this by maintaining a constant temperature in the engine no matter the outside air temperature.

How does it work?

The radiator works by using a liquid called coolant. Coolant is pumped through the engine, where the coolant receives the heat from the engine and carries it away. When the hot liquid is returned to the radiator, air is blown across the liquid, cooling it down and exchanging heat with the outside air of the vehicle. This is achieved by passing the coolant through thin metal fins, allowing the air outside to flow easier through the radiator. So, in essence, the radiator cools the coolant, which then cools the engine.

What to do when it stops working

Your radiator is the most critical way your engine vents heat during operation. A malfunctioning radiator can cause significant engine damage. You can tell if your radiator has been damaged if you have a puddle of coolant under your vehicle in the morning. You can also tell if the temperature gauge shows you that the vehicle is running at a hotter temperature than usual. If you need radiator repair, make sure to call an auto repair shop to have this issue addressed immediately. Auto repair shops specialize in performing these repairs and can help you get back on the road. Radiator repair is not something you can wait on.