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Why Correct Alignment Is Important for Tires

Car mechanic installing sensor during suspension adjustment. Wheel alignment work at repair service

Our automotive repair shop advises checking your vehicle’s alignment regularly every six months. You may also need to check it immediately if you've collided with something that could have damaged it. What does the alignment mean exactly? It is a crucial suspension-tuning device that affects your vehicle’s tires’ performance. Your vehicle’s alignment refers to a sophisticated system of calculated suspension angle measurements and varied suspension component adjustments. Fuel economy, comfort, and tire wear are all impacted by proper alignment. Driving around on misaligned wheels can cause issues with how your vehicle handles and drives down the road.

What exactly is wheel alignment?

A wheel alignment is a process of restoring the angles of your vehicle's suspension and steering to their original measurements. This optimizes drivability and fuel efficiency by placing the front and rear wheels in line with the vehicle's centerline. A specialized tool that measures the wheel angles in relation to your vehicle's original specifications is used to perform an alignment. An expert technician then makes any necessary changes. All four wheels on your vehicle should be facing in the same direction, lined up from front to back, and contacting the road at the correct angle when it is in alignment.

What does it affect?

If your vehicle is out of alignment, it will suffer in several ways. First, handling capacity plummets sharply. Your vehicle's ability to turn in either direction is severely limited when its wheels are not entirely straight. Additionally, your vehicle will likely pull steadily in one direction and have trouble driving straight. The lifespan of your tires may be impacted as a result. Your tires will wear unevenly if your wheels are out of alignment, so you'll need to replace them more frequently and incur significant costs for tire replacement. Bad wheel alignment often causes flat spots or even tire blowouts due to increased friction on the misaligned wheels. So, to recap, misaligned wheels cause:

  • Uneven tire wear
  • Reduced handling capabilities
  • Pulling steering wheel

Common misalignment indicators to look out for

Tire alignment is critical for your tires to increase their lifespan and continue to operate your vehicle at their optimum capacity. If you notice any uneven wear on your tires, you may need to have an alignment done. Additionally, if your steering wheel is off-center, this could be another indication that you have an issue. If the steering wheel in your vehicle shakes or vibrates or pulls to the side, this also can indicate the need for repair. If you notice any of these issues, contact our automotive repair shop. Our expert technicians can provide quality diagnostics and repairs. Don’t hesitate to reach out by calling or scheduling an appointment on our website.